Android vs. iOS, Samsung vs. Apple: A Comparison of Technologies and Manufacturers
Which technology and manufacturer are best suited for your company depend on numerous factors. We offer comprehensive advice on these decisions, as much hinges on choosing not just procurement but later management. Below, we’ve outlined some features and advantages of the three manufacturers, Google, Apple, and Samsung.
Apple ADE
Apple’s Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) allows devices to be automatically registered through the Apple Business Manager and connected to your Mobile Device Management. All corresponding smartphones and tablets also offer significantly more interfaces and functions for future use and management.
Samsung KME
Samsung also provides a solution called Knox Mobile Enrollment (KME), enabling the registration of many devices at once. The Mobile Enrollment is combinable with other Knox solutions and significantly shortens the setup process.
Google Zero Touch
Google’s Zero Touch process optimizes the registration of your devices. The online configuration of smartphones and tablets is conducted swiftly and simply, minimizing touchpoints.
Certified Quality for Android Devices
Android Enterprise Recommended provides a quality seal for Android-operating devices and Mobile Device Management systems. We verify that your chosen devices meet this certification to ensure a high standard for your system.